Osmocom core library
bits.h File Reference

Osmocom bit level support code. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <osmocom/core/bit16gen.h>
#include <osmocom/core/bit32gen.h>
#include <osmocom/core/bit64gen.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define OSMO_BIN_SPEC   "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d"
#define OSMO_BIN_PRINT(byte)
#define OSMO_BIT_SPEC   "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c"
#define OSMO_BIT_PRINT_EX(byte, ch)
#define OSMO_BIT_PRINT(byte)   OSMO_BIT_PRINT_EX(byte, '1')


typedef int8_t sbit_t
 soft bit with value (-127...127), as commonly used in communications receivers such as [viterbi] decoders More...
typedef uint8_t ubit_t
 unpacked bit (0 or 1): 1 bit per byte More...
typedef uint8_t pbit_t
 packed bits (8 bits in a byte). More...


enum  osmo_br_mode {
 bit-reversal mode for osmo_bit_reversal() More...


static unsigned int osmo_pbit_bytesize (unsigned int num_bits)
 determine how many bytes we would need for num_bits packed bits More...
int osmo_ubit2pbit (pbit_t *out, const ubit_t *in, unsigned int num_bits)
 convert unpacked bits to packed bits, return length in bytes More...
int osmo_pbit2ubit (ubit_t *out, const pbit_t *in, unsigned int num_bits)
 convert packed bits to unpacked bits, return length in bytes More...
void osmo_nibble_shift_right (uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int num_nibbles)
 Shift unaligned input to octet-aligned output. More...
void osmo_nibble_shift_left_unal (uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, unsigned int num_nibbles)
 Shift unaligned input to octet-aligned output. More...
void osmo_ubit2sbit (sbit_t *out, const ubit_t *in, unsigned int num_bits)
 convert unpacked bits to soft bits More...
void osmo_sbit2ubit (ubit_t *out, const sbit_t *in, unsigned int num_bits)
 convert soft bits to unpacked bits More...
int osmo_ubit2pbit_ext (pbit_t *out, unsigned int out_ofs, const ubit_t *in, unsigned int in_ofs, unsigned int num_bits, int lsb_mode)
 convert unpacked bits to packed bits (extended options) More...
int osmo_pbit2ubit_ext (ubit_t *out, unsigned int out_ofs, const pbit_t *in, unsigned int in_ofs, unsigned int num_bits, int lsb_mode)
 convert packed bits to unpacked bits (extended options) More...
uint32_t osmo_bit_reversal (uint32_t x, enum osmo_br_mode k)
 generalized bit reversal function More...
uint32_t osmo_revbytebits_32 (uint32_t x)
 reverse the bit-order in each byte of a dword More...
uint32_t osmo_revbytebits_8 (uint8_t x)
 reverse the bit order in a byte More...
void osmo_revbytebits_buf (uint8_t *buf, int len)
 reverse bit-order of each byte in a buffer More...
static uint16_t osmo_rol16 (uint16_t in, unsigned shift)
 left circular shift More...

Detailed Description

Osmocom bit level support code.