Osmocom core library

Osmocom string ringbuffer handling routines. More...

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>

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Data Structures

struct  osmo_strrb


#define RB_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE   240
 A structure representing an osmocom string ringbuffer. More...


struct osmo_strrbosmo_strrb_create (void *talloc_ctx, size_t rb_size)
 Create an empty, initialized osmo_strrb. More...
bool osmo_strrb_is_empty (const struct osmo_strrb *rb)
 Check if an osmo_strrb is empty. More...
const char * osmo_strrb_get_nth (const struct osmo_strrb *rb, unsigned int string_index)
 Return a pointer to the Nth string in the osmo_strrb. More...
bool _osmo_strrb_is_bufindex_valid (const struct osmo_strrb *rb, unsigned int offset)
size_t osmo_strrb_elements (const struct osmo_strrb *rb)
 Count the number of log messages in an osmo_strrb. More...
int osmo_strrb_add (struct osmo_strrb *rb, const char *data)
 Add a string to the osmo_strrb. More...

Detailed Description

Osmocom string ringbuffer handling routines.