Osmocom GSM library
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cabis_nm_channelAbis OML Channel (Section 9.4.1)
 Cabis_nm_ipacc_att_bssgp_cfgIp.access NM_ATT_IPACC_BSSGP_CFG value
 Cabis_nm_ipacc_att_ns_cfgIp.access NM_ATT_IPACC_NS_CFG value
 Cabis_nm_ipacc_att_rlc_cfgIp.access NM_ATT_IPACC_RLC_CFG value
 Cabis_nm_ipacc_att_rlc_cfg_2Ip.access NM_ATT_IPACC_RLC_CFG_2 value
 Cabis_nm_ipacc_att_rlc_cfg_3Ip.access NM_ATT_IPACC_RLC_CFG_3 value
 Cabis_nm_sw_desc3GPP TS 52.021 §9.4.62 SW Description
 Cabis_om_fom_hdrOML FOM header
 Cabis_om_hdrGeneric header in front of every OML message according to TS 08.59
 Cabis_om_obj_instOML Object Instance
 Cabis_rsl_common_hdrRSL common header
 Cegprs_cpsStructure for CPS coding and puncturing scheme (TS 44.060 10.4.8a)
 Cgad_rawGAD PDU in network-byte-order according to 3GPP TS 23.032 GAD: Universal Geographical Area Description
 Cgsm0808_cell_idParsed representation of Cell Identifier IE (3GPP TS 48.008
 Cgsm0808_cell_id_listDEPRECATED: This definition of the cell identifier list is insufficient
 Cgsm0808_cell_id_list2Parsed representation of a Cell Identifier List IE (3GPP TS 48.008
 Cgsm0808_cell_id_list_segmentParsed representation of a Cell Identifier List Segment IE (3GPP TS 48.008
 Cgsm0808_cell_id_uInstead of this, use either struct gsm0808_cell_id or gsm0808_cell_id_list2
 Cgsm0808_group_callrefPacked representation of a Group Call Reference IE (3GPP TS 48.008
 Cgsm0808_handover_request3GPP TS 48.008 § HANDOVER REQUEST
 Cgsm0808_handover_required3GPP TS 48.008 § HANDOVER REQUIRED
 Cgsm0808_handover_required_reject3GPP TS 48.008 § HANDOVER REQUIRED REJECT
 Cgsm0808_notification_data3GPP TS 48.008 § (VGCS/VBS) NOTIFICATION DATA
 Cgsm0808_old_bss_to_new_bss_info3GPP TS 48.008 § Old BSS to New BSS information
 Cgsm0808_priorityPacked representation of a Priority IE (GGPP TS 48.008
 Cgsm0808_speech_codec3GPP TS 48.008 Speech Codec
 Cgsm0808_uplink_app_data3GPP TS 48.008 § (VGCS) UPLINK APPLICATION DATA
 Cgsm0808_uplink_reject_cmd3GPP TS 48.008 § (VGCS) UPLINK REJECT COMMAND
 Cgsm0808_uplink_release_ind3GPP TS 48.008 § (VGCS) UPLINK RELEASE INDICATION
 Cgsm0808_uplink_request3GPP TS 48.008 § (VGCS) UPLINK REQUEST
 Cgsm0808_uplink_request_ack3GPP TS 48.008 § (VGCS) UPLINK REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE
 Cgsm0808_uplink_request_cnf3GPP TS 48.008 § (VGCS) UPLINK REQUEST CONFIRM
 Cgsm0808_uplink_seized_cmd3GPP TS 48.008 § (VGCS) UPLINK SEIZED COMMAND
 Cgsm0808_vgcs_feature_flagsPacked representation of a VGCS Feature Flags IE (3GPP TS 48.008
 Cgsm0808_vgcs_vbs_area_cell_info3GPP TS 48.008 § VGCS/VBS AREA CELL INFO
 Cgsm0808_vgcs_vbs_assign_fail3GPP TS 48.008 § VGCS/VBS ASSIGNMENT FAILURE
 Cgsm0808_vgcs_vbs_assign_req3GPP TS 48.008 § VGCS/VBS ASSIGNMENT REQUEST
 Cgsm0808_vgcs_vbs_assign_res3GPP TS 48.008 § VGCS/VBS ASSIGNMENT RESULT
 Cgsm0808_vgcs_vbs_assign_stat3GPP TS 48.008 § VGCS/VBS ASSIGNMENT STATUS
 Cgsm0808_vgcs_vbs_setup3GPP TS 48.008 § VGCS/VBS SETUP
 Cgsm0808_vgcs_vbs_setup_ack3GPP TS 48.008 § VGCS/VBS SETUP ACK
 Cgsm29118_paging_req3GPP TS 3GPP TS 29.018 8.14 SGsAP-PAGING-REQUEST
 Cgsm29118_reset_msg3GPP TS 3GPP TS 29.018 8.15 SGsAP-RESET-ACK and 8.16 SGsAP-RESET-INDICATION
 Cinfo_act_cnf_paramFor {ACTIVATE,DEACTIVATE} MPH-INFO.cnf
 Cinfo_ciph_req_paramFor {ACTIVATE,DEACTIVATE} MPH-INFO
 Cinfo_meas_ind_paramFor MEAS MPH-INFO.ind
 Cinfo_time_ind_paramFor TIME MPH-INFO.ind
 Cinfo_ulacc_req_paramFor {ACT_UL_ACC,DEACT_UL_ACC} MPH-INFO.req
 Cipac_preproc_ho_compHO Threshold Comparators
 Cipac_preproc_ho_threshHandover Thresholds
 Cipac_preproc_pc_compPC Threshold Comparators (RSL_IPAC_EIE_PC_THRESH_COMP)
 Cipac_preproc_pc_comp_fieldOsmocom extension for: PC Threshold Comparators (RSL_IPAC_EIE_OSMO_PC_THRESH_COMP)
 Cipac_preproc_pc_threshMS/BS Power Control Thresholds (RSL_IPAC_EIE_MS_PWR_CTL)
 Clapdm_channelTwo lapdm_entities that form a GSM logical channel (ACCH + DCCH)
 Clapdm_datalinkLAPDm datalink like TS 04.06 / Section 3.5.2
 Clapdm_entityLAPDm Entity
 Clapdm_msg_ctxLAPDm message context
 Clcs_cause_ie3GPP TS 49.031 10.13 LCS Cause, also in 3GPP TS 48.008, which simply refers to the former
 Cmph_info_paramFor MPH-INFO.ind
 Cosmo_gcr_parsedParsed representation of Global Call Reference, 3GPP TS 29.205 Table B
 Cosmo_gsup_an_apduAccessNetworkSignalInfo as in 3GPP TS 29.002
 Cosmo_gsup_messageParsed/decoded GSUP protocol message
 Cosmo_gsup_pdp_infoParsed/decoded PDP context information
 Cosmo_lclsLCLS-related parameters from 3GPP TS 48.008
 Cosmo_nri_rangeOne range of NRI values
 Cosmo_nri_rangesA list of struct osmo_nri_range
 Cosmo_oap_messageParsed/decoded OAP protocol message
 Cosmo_phsap_primPrimitive header for PH-SAP primitives
 Cosmo_preproc_pc_threshOsmocom extension for: MS/BS Power Control Thresholds (RSL_IPAC_EIE_OSMO_MS_PWR_CTL)
 Cosmo_rlp_frame_decodedData structure representing one decoded RLP frame
 Cosmo_sub_auth_data2Permanent (secret) subscriber auth data
 Cosmo_tlv_prot_defOsmocom TLV protocol definition
 Cph_conn_ind_paramFor PH-CONN.ind
 Cph_data_paramFor PH-[UNIT]DATA
 Cph_rach_ind_paramFor PH-RANDOM_ACCESS.ind
 Cph_rach_req_paramFor PH-RANDOM_ACCESS.req
 Cph_tch_paramFor TCH
 Crsl_ie_cb_cmd_typeRSL Cell Broadcast Command (Chapter 9.3.41)
 Crsl_ie_chan_identRSL Channel Identification IE (Chapter 9.3.5)
 Crsl_ie_chan_modeRSL Channel Mode IF (Chapter 9.3.6)
 Crsl_ie_nch_drx_infoNCH DRX Information (Chapter 9.3.47)
 Css_requestThis structure represents some meaningful parts of a decoded and/or to be encoded GSM 04.80 message
 Ctlv_defDefinition of a single IE (Information Element)
 Ctlv_definitionDefinition of All 256 IE / TLV
 Ctlv_p_entryEntry in a TLV parser array
 Ctlv_parsedResult of the TLV parser