Osmocom core library
C_gsmtap_inst_legacy | |
Cbitvec | Structure describing a bit vector |
Cgsmtap_hdr | Structure of the GSMTAP pseudo-header |
Cgsmtap_inst | One gsmtap instance Until gsmtap_inst_fd() is removed from the API at some point in the future, we have to keep the first member as 'int' and the second as 'struct osmo_wqueue' (this effectively makes sure that the struct member wq.bfd.fd maintains the same memory offset from the start of the struct) to ensure that inlined static 'instances' of gsmtap_inst_fd() in old binaries keep working the way they used to even with gsmtap_inst objects obtained from newer versions of libosmocore |
Cgsmtap_osmocore_log_hdr | Structure of the GSMTAP libosmocore logging header |
Chlist_head | Double linked lists with a single pointer list head |
Chlist_node | |
Ciofd_backend_ops | |
Ciofd_msghdr | Serialized version of 'struct msghdr' employed by sendmsg/recvmsg |
Cllist_head | (double) linked list header structure |
Clog_category | Configuration of single log category / sub-system |
Clog_context | Log context information, passed to filter |
Clog_info | Logging configuration, passed to log_init |
Clog_info_cat | Information regarding one logging category |
Clog_target | Structure representing a logging target |
Cmsgb | Osmocom message buffer |
Cnetdev_netns_ctx | |
Cosmo_config_entry | One message in the list |
Cosmo_config_list | |
Cosmo_conv_code | Structure describing a given convolutional code |
Cosmo_conv_decoder | Convolutional decoder state |
Cosmo_conv_encoder | Convolutional encoder state |
Cosmo_counter | Structure representing a single counter |
Cosmo_crc16gen_code | Structure describing a given CRC code of max 16 bits |
Cosmo_crc32gen_code | Structure describing a given CRC code of max 32 bits |
Cosmo_crc64gen_code | Structure describing a given CRC code of max 64 bits |
Cosmo_crc8gen_code | Structure describing a given CRC code of max 8 bits |
Cosmo_fd | Structure representing a file dsecriptor |
Cosmo_fsm | Description of an osmocom finite state machine |
Cosmo_fsm_inst | Single instanceof an osmocom finite state machine |
Cosmo_fsm_state | Description of a rule in the FSM |
Cosmo_io_fd | |
Cosmo_io_ops | I/O operations (call-back functions) related to an osmo_io_fd |
Cosmo_isdnhdlc_vars | |
Cosmo_it_q | One instance of an inter-thread queue |
Cosmo_mnl | Osmocom wrapper around libmnl abstraction of netlink socket |
Cosmo_netdev | |
Cosmo_prbs | Definition of a PRBS sequence |
Cosmo_prbs_state | State of a given PRBS sequence generator |
Cosmo_prim_event_map | Single entry in a SAP/PRIM/OP -> EVENT map |
Cosmo_prim_hdr | Osmocom primitive header |
Cosmo_sercomm_inst | One instance of a sercomm multiplex/demultiplex |
Cosmo_signalfd | |
Cosmo_sock_init2_multiaddr_pars | |
Cosmo_sockaddr | |
Cosmo_sockaddr_str | |
Cosmo_soft_uart | Internal state of a soft-UART |
Cosmo_soft_uart_cfg | Configuration for a soft-UART |
Cosmo_stat_item | Data we keep for each actual item |
Cosmo_stat_item_desc | Statistics item description |
Cosmo_stat_item_group | One instance of a counter group class |
Cosmo_stat_item_group_desc | Description of a statistics item group |
Cosmo_stat_item_period | |
Cosmo_stats_config | |
Cosmo_stats_reporter | One statistics reporter instance |
Cosmo_strbuf | State for OSMO_STRBUF_APPEND() and OSMO_STRBUF_PRINTF() |
Cosmo_strrb | |
Cosmo_talloc_contexts | Per-thread talloc contexts |
Cosmo_tcp_stats_config | |
Cosmo_tdef | Define a GSM timer of the form Tnnn, with unit, default value and doc string |
Cosmo_tdef_group | Manage timer definitions in named groups |
Cosmo_tdef_state_timeout | Using osmo_tdef for osmo_fsm_inst: array entry for a mapping of state numbers to timeout definitions |
Cosmo_time_cc | Report the cumulative counter of time for which a flag is true as rate counter |
Cosmo_time_cc_cfg | Configuration for osmo_time_cc |
Cosmo_timer_list | A structure representing a single instance of a timer |
Cosmo_tundev | |
Cosmo_unaligned_cpu32 | |
Cosmo_use_count | Use counter state for one used object, managing N distinct named counters |
Cosmo_use_count_entry | One named counter in the list managed by osmo_use_count |
Cosmo_wqueue | Write queue instance |
Crate_ctr | Data we keep for each actual value |
Crate_ctr_desc | Rate counter description |
Crate_ctr_group | One instance of a counter group class |
Crate_ctr_group_desc | Description of a rate counter group |
Crate_ctr_per_intv | Data we keep for each of the intervals |
Crb_node | |
Crb_root | |
Csignal_handler | |
Cstats_tcp_entry | |
Cvalue_string | A mapping between human-readable string and numeric value |
Cvdecoder | |
Cvtrellis |